What's New?

Last Updates

*May 29th 2024*

  • Hello world, I hope life is treating you well.
  • A little update has been added to the News page, but please manage your expectations!
  • As some of you know, my personal favourite section is the Fan Art page, which I updated with lovely art by Alice, Druga and Elena Liberati.

*November 9th 2023*

  • Hello everyone, hope life has been good to you.
  • Sadly. it's been a long time since we last had an update from Suzue Miuchi sensei. So nothing new on that front.
  • I updated the Fan Art page, adding some digital drawings I made and many more beautiful works from Druga.
  • Also while waiting for an ending that may never be written, Adriana wrote her own ending! You can read in in the Fan Fiction page.

*January 15th 2022*

  • Happy New Year everyone. I wish you all the best possible.
  • As usual, I updated the Fan Art page, adding a couple of drawings I made last year, more great works by Druga and Veve and a beautiful drawing by Maria Pia. Thanks to these fantastic people for their contributions.
  • I am making a few adjustments here and there in the website, but there aren't any big news. I really want to keep hoping that one day I will be able to read the ending of this beautiful manga!

*July 25th 2021*

  • Everyone, I hope you're doing as well as possible. If you think life is hard, you are not alone. For what it's worth, I send you a virtual hug.
  • There aren't massive updates but I can't thank enough the fanartists who keep creating beautiful art: Thanks to by Druga, Maggy-P and Veve. You can see their works in the Fan Art page.
  • Also I added a great timeline of Glass no Kamen publications in the The Masterpiece page. Thanks Halivi!

*May 16th 2021*

  • Thank you to all the people who sent me nice messages recently. I really appreciate it more than words can express :)
  • There is some more beautiful Fan Art by Druga, Izzy, MercuryZ and Maggy-P (links to their websites in the fanartists section in the Links page, as usual).
  • I drew the Glass no Kamen characters as Poker Cards... You can find the gallery in the Trivia page.

*October 9th 2020*

  • I hope you are all doing well.
  • I'm afraid it's not time for big news yet, but some amazing new works have been added to the Fan Art page. Thanks to the artists who contributed! Remember, you can find all the links to the artists' websites in the Links page.

*May 26th 2020*

  • Thanks to all the people who sent me nice and encouraging messages :)
  • You can now read the synopis for Kurenai Tennyo opera in the two scanned pages from the brochure, courtesy of Merumo.
  • Welcome to two new fabulous artists to my beloved Fan Art page. Giulia Adragna who made some beautiful keychains and Francesca at Lotus Dolls who skillfully styled two dolls as Maya and Masumi. You can find a link to their pages in the Links page.

*May 7th 2020*

  • I hope you're all safe during this covid19 pandemic.
  • It's hard for me to keep this site updated for many reasons.
    First off, there haven't been substantial updates since volume 49 was published, too many years ago.
    Secondly, this site doesn't have so many visitors any longer, since social media took over.
    Thirdly, life is pretty stressful and I don't have time to redesign this old website...
    Last but not least, during the years I have been very hurt by some Japanese and Italian Glass no Kamen fans. So I need to stay away from this unnecessary drama as much as I can.
  • However "Maya no Garasu no Kamen" meant so much for me, and it made me meet some of the most amazing people. So I'll keep it up. You will definitely have an update when volume 50 is published. There are rumours that 2020 is the lucky year at last. It would be about time... Let's hope!
  • I added a section dedicated to the 2020 "Kurenai Tennyo" Opera, in the General Info section.
  • Please check the News page, there is a link to watch "Kurenai Tennyo" on Youtube for a week! Don't miss this chance!
  • The Fan Art page has been updated with some wonderful drawings! Thanks to all the contributors!

*August 16th 2019*

  • Fan Art section updated, many many thanks to MercuryZ and Maggy P for their contributions!
  • It took me forever, but finally I wrote the summary of the extra short story "Amour du chocolat" published on Valentine's Day 2016 as advertisement for chocolates. You can find it in the Synopses page.
  • *January 27th 2019*

    • First update of the year. Thank you Kamiya for your lovely contribution to my Fan Art page!
    • Happy new year everyone!
    • *December 19th 2018*

      • New artwork by Nekomama, Druga and myself in the Fan Art page!
      • More info about Suzue Miuchi's Talk show in the News section.
      • Lots of new images added to the Illustrations page
      • *November 5th 2018*

        • New works added to my favourite section, the Fan Art page. One new drawing by me and one by Druga, plus two new very talented artists, Ileranerak and Nana. The latter's very cute drawing was awarded at the Sendai Literature Museum exhibition with an autographed postcard by Miuchi sensei!
        • News section updated with the two most recent events Suzue Miuchi will take part to, a talk show and another 40th anniversary exhibition, this time in Fukuoka.
        • I'm constantly trying to keep the Links page up to date. If I missed any Glass no Kamen websites, please contact me.

        *September 8th 2018*

        • New works added to my beloved Fan Art page. Many thanks to Michela for her contribution; also after so many years I added two recent works of mine as well!
        • The Links page has been updated with a link to Kamiya's blog of beautiful illustrations. In addition to that, I keep adding links to portfolios of fan artists whose works are exhibited in my Fan Art page. If you are an artist and you contributed to my Fan Art page, and if you want a link to your portfolio, please contact me.

        *August 7th 2018*

        • More beautiful works added to my beloved Fan Art collection. Thank you Druga!
        • Some of Druga's works are now in the Fan Fiction page.
        • I'm working on the News section updating it with the most relevant Glass no Kamen events so far... I'm afraid there is no big news about the manga yet...

        *August 5th 2018*

        • Maggy-P kindly let me add 3 more of her very original works to my Fan Art collection. Thank you!
        • The Forum section is now titled Social and includes links not only to Forums but also Twitter accounts and Facebook pages. Check it out!

        *June 14th 2018*

        • More fantastic works added to the Fan Art page! Thank you so much Maggy-P and MercuryZ ♥
        • There aren't big news yet, but I'll try to update the news section soon.

        *November 8th 2017*

        • My 32 new black and white illustrations series is now collected in the Inktober 2017 page, Trivia section
        • More fantastic works added to the Fan Art page! Thank you so much everyone who shared their drawings with me! ♥
        • News section updated with more events held in Japan to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Glass no Kamen.
        • I am still looking for the latest cover images of non-Japanese versions of Glass no Kamen. Can you help?

        *September 25th 2017*

        • Finally I have been able to put together a summary of the short preview of volume 50 which was published with Bessatsu Hana to Yume on May 26th 2016. Please check the Synopses.
        • Thank you from the bottom of my heart to MercuryZ for letting me add lots of her works to the Fan Art page! ♥
        • A new illustration and a few older ones from my personal collection have been added to the "Furoku and Miscellanea" section in the Illustrations page.

        *September 10th 2017*

        • I am very excited, an article on Japanese magazine AERA mentioned my website! You can read about it in They say about this website.
        • I have been doing a lot of work, mostly tidying up this website, amending and organising some content, removing old links and adding new ones. Feedback and suggestions are always more than welcome!
        • I am looking for collaborators who can help me with news and translations from Japanese, but also images of the covers of the manga in their language, fan art and fan fiction.
        • Many many thanks to the wonderful people who contributed to the Fan Art section!
        • A new beautiful addition to the Fan Fiction section :)

        *May 12th 2017*

        • I know, long time no see. Number 50 has not even been officially announced yet, and I lost hope and motivation. However, I still plan to publish the summary of the extra story "Amour du Chocolat" published for Valentine's Day 2016.
        • In the meantime, the sublime artist Elena Liberati created a stunning Fan Art and kindly allowed me to put it in my gallery! Enjoy!

        *October 24th 2012*

        • Shocking number 49 is out! Check out the synopsis - Many thanks to Alechan and the two wonderful forums I am following:)
        • Lovely update to the Fan Art page!

        *August 1st 2012*

        • Sorry for the late update, I had a lovely Summer break :)
        • Fans List updated. Welcome to the new fans!
        • Finally the latest part of the after-48 Hana to Yume synopsis has been added!
        • Hopefully next Hana to Yume chapter will be out in Autumn!

        *May 6th 2012*

        • As promised, the Synopses page has been updated with the summary of the lastest chapter fomr Hana To Yume! Thanks to Simply and Doodlefan!

        *April 30th 2012*

        • The Fan Art section has been updated with some lovely coloured scans by Pauline Dai!
        • Synopses: Currently I have updated:
          1. The last part to the after-47 Hana To Yume synopsis has been added (at last!).
          2. The summary of volume 48. Many thanks as usual to the girls of my affiliate forum, Murasaki no Bara no Yume, but a very special thanks to Pauline Dai who worked very hard to help me with this particular summary. Thank you so much! Anyone, if I missed something or there are parts I need to correct, please let me know!
          3. There is only one chapter from the after-48 Hana to Yume left (the most recent one) but I will be add it soon!
        • The covers of the Italian version of the manga, v 44-47 have been added to the Manga Gallery
        • Welcome to the new memeber of the Fans List!

        *April 2nd 2012*

        • Sorry guys! I know I am horribly late, but I've been unwell and it's been very hard to find help with the summaries of volume 48 and Bessatsu Hana to Yume! Please if you can translate from Japanese and are willing to help contact me! Also if there are some incorrect parts in my synopses, please let me know!
        • I hope to add the synopsis of volume 48 as soon (even though most of it seems to be similar to what you read in Hana to Yume after volume 47). Can anyone help? In the meantime, thanks to the unvaluable help of Simply_me and the girls of my affiliate forum Murasaki no Bara no Yume I added the synopses of the two chapters published on Bessatsu Hana to Yume in February and March 2012, after volume 48 was published.
        • The Fans' List has been updated as well.
        • Enjoy the Synopses and hopefully see you soon with even more updates! Thanks a lot to all the fans who wrote me nice messages! I read them all and they make me very happy! :)

        *February 6th 2012*

        • Happy new year all!
        • You'll have to wait for the end of the month for new synopses... Volume 48 will be out together with a new chapter of Hana to Yume!
        • In the meantime, lovely update to the Fan Art section thanks to Regina!
        • Fans' List page updated as well!

        *November 8th 2011*

        • Better late than never... :) The last chapter of Hana to Yume can be now found in the Synopses pages!
        • New lovely Fan Art by Ardis!

        *October 9th 2011*

        • Sorry for not being able to update this site sooner! The latest 2 chapters of Hana to Yume are now in the Synopses pages! Many thanks to Alechan, Simply_me and Doodoofan for their unvaluable help.
        • Fans' List page updated as usual
        • Thanks to Jeanne for sending me her artwork for my beloved Fan Art page! Please send me your drawings!

        *August 7th 2011*

        • Finally in the Synopses pages you can read the summary of volume 47, and the new chapter of Hana to Yume!
        • As usual, welcome to the new members of the Fans' List!

        *May 5th 2011*

        • The sixth chapter of Hana to Yume has been published in the Synopsis page. It's not sure when exactly, but volume 47 should be published next Summer, together with the next chapter of Hana to Yume.
        • Welcome to the new members of the Fans' List!

        *April 3rd 2011*

        *February 26th 2011*

        • Synopsis of the fourth issue of Hana To Yume published after volume 46 is online and it's just superb!!!
        • Welcome to the new members of the Fans' List

        *January 26th 2011*

        • Synopsis of the third issue of Hana To Yume published after volume 46 is online and it's unbelievable!!!
        • Welcome to the new member who joined the Fans' List

        *December 29th 2010*

        • Happy Holidays everyone!
        • Synopsis of the second issue of Hana To Yume published after volume 46 is online!
        • Welcome to the new member who joined the Fans' List
        • A lovely update to the Fan Art page! Thanks Isabel!

        *November 30th 2010*

        • Synopsis of the first issue of Hana To Yume published after volume 46 is online!
        • Welcome to the new members of the Fans' List
        • Two new miscellanea images including the new Hana to Yume cover added to the Illustrations page!

        *November 3rd 2010*

        • Happy birthday Masumi Hayami!!! We all love you, you know that ♥
        • To celebrate this event... Synopsis of volume 46 is online!
        • As usual... Welcome to the new fans in the Fans List!
        • A few images added... The Japanese manga cover of volume 46 in the Manga Gallery and some miscellanea images in Illustrations. Warning! There might be a spoiler :)

        *October 10th 2010*

        • Yes, the Synopsis of volume 45 is finally online! I did my best not to get confused, since there are parts from the new Hana to Yume and part from the very old one. Sorry if the English is quite messy, I'll try and correct in the next days, but it seems like a lot of you were waiting for this update! Enjoy and send me your feedback!

        *October 6th 2010*

        • Exciting news! Volume 45 was published in Japan on Semptember 30th 2010 and volume 46th will be published on October 29th 2010!
        • Once again, thank you all for all your encouraging emails. Your support is very appreciated :)
        • Long-awaited Synopsis of volume 45 will be online very soon, I promise! There are several differences from Hana to Yume and I will try to be as accurate as possible.
        • Hey... Check the stunning ilustration by Katandra in the Fan Art section... You'll adore it!
        • As usual, welcome to all the fans who joined the Fans List!

        *August 1st 2010*

        • Sorry people! I've been very busy changing jobs and now flat. I really want to thank you all for writing me and encouraging me to update this site. As all of you know, the publication of Garasu no Kamen 45 has been postponed, but the date hasn't been officially announced yet. Fingers crossed!
        • Thanks also to all of you who sent me info about Garasu no Kamen publication in their countries, in Japan, and the musical. I really appreciate your collaboration! Sorry for not listing all your names but... Thank you!
        • Many people joined the Fans List. Welcome all!
        • Some of you sent me their photos to be displayed in the Fans' Photos page. Thank you. I hope to receive some fanarts soon!
        • Thanks to Dwi Astuti for sending me the scanned image of the Garasu no Kamen vol 43, Indonesian version!

        *April 14th 2010*

        • After a too long time... A lovely update to the Fan Art section! I'm very happy :) Please send me more and more works!
        • A new fan joined the Fans List. Welcome!

        *March 30th 2010*

        • Exciting update to the Hana to Yume Synopses... The March issue is as good as the previous one!
        • Some more updates to the News page.
        • Fans List updated too. Thanks!

        *March 3rd 2010*

        • Exciting update to the Hana to Yume Synopses... The February issue is great!

        *February 11th 2010*

        • This site is affiliates with the forum "Murasaki no Bara no Yume" now!
        • Manga Gallery: Finally added the images for the covers of the Italian version of volume 43, and the Japanese tankoubon n. 43 and n. 44. Please help me to find the images of the manga covers in other countries :)
        • Fans' List updated: thanks for joining!
        • Stay tuned! Synopses hopefully coming soon :)

        *January 27th 2010*

        • Synopsis of the December 2009 and January 2010 issues of Bessatsu Hana to Yume are online at last! I am sorry it took me so long to make this update! Thanks to those to wrote me to encourage me :)
        • Fans List updated. Thanks for joining.

        *December 10th 2009*

        • Synopsis of the November issue of Bessatsu Hana to Yume finally online!
        • I know, I should update also other pages of the site but I think this is the most urgent! Thanks for your patience and please keep visiting this site and sending me feedback!

        *November 9th 2009*

        • Synopsis of the October issue of Bessatsu Hana to Yume finally online!
        • Fans List section updated, thanks for joining!

        *October 4th 2009*

        • Synopsis of the September issue of Bessatsu Hana to Yume finally online!
        • Welcome to the new Fans List members!
        • Soon it will be time to update the manga covers gallery!

        *September 8th 2009*

        • Finally some new updates...
        • Synopsis of volume 44 and the August issue of Bessatsu Hana to Yume finally online!
        • Thanks to all the fans who joined the Fans List
        • More updates coming soon!

        *May 4th 2009*

        • Synopsis of the April issue of Bessatsu Hana to Yume finally online!
        • News page updated! Big news!
        • Fans List updated!
        • Fans Photos page updated!

        *April 10th 2009*

        • Synopsis of the March issue of Bessatsu Hana to Yume finally online!
        • Fans List updated! Welcome to the new fans!

        *March 12th 2009*

        • Sorry for being so late with this update!
        • Synopsis of the February issue of Bessatsu Hana to Yume online!
        • Welcome to the new fans who joined the Fans List!

        *February 2nd 2009*

        • News page updated! The story continues after volume 43 :)
        • Information updated on The Masterpiece page as well.
        • Synopsis of volume 43 and the new issue of Bessatsu Hana to Yume finally online!
        • Thanks to all the fans who joined the Fans List!
        • Fans' Photos page updated!

        *November 23rd 2008*

        • Big, big news! Volume 43 will be published soon! Check the News page!
        • Synopsis of the October issue of Bessatsu Hana to Yume finally online!
        • A new fan joined the Fans List! Welcome!
        • Fans' Photos page updated! Thanks!

        *October 22nd 2008*

        • Thanks to Fang Ying the Vietnamese covers have been added to the Manga Gallery!
        • Welcome to the new fans who joined the Fans List!

        *October 5th 2008*

        • Synopsis of the September issue of Bessatsu Hana to Yume online!

        *September 28th 2008*

        • Yeah! Finally the Fan Art page has been updated again!
        • Images added to Musical, Theatre and Illustrations pages.
        • A new friend joined the Fans' List!
        • More updates about the September issue of Bessatsu Hana to Yume coming soon!

        *September 4th 2008*

        • Fans' List page updated
        • News page updated.
        • Online the summary of the August issue of Hana to Yume! Check the Synopses page!

        *August 19th 2008*

        • A new face in the Fans' Photos page :)
        • Manga Gallery 2: online the covers of the Indonesian version! Thanks Yunita!

        *August 3rd 2008*

        • Synopses page updated with a short summary of what happens in Bessatsu Hana to Yume!
        • News page updated.

        *July 27th 2008*

        • Musical page updated.
        • Info about Hana to Yume coming as soon as possible!

        *July 6th 2008*

        • More info about the Musical in the Musical section!!!
        • Some details added to the News page.

        *June 29th 2008*

        • A little BIG update to the News section!!!
        • The official cast for the upcoming musical: News pages updated and Musical page added to the General Info section.
        • Welcome to the new fan who joined the Fans List!
        • Sorry, due to a lack of activity the Forum has been closed.

        *April 27th 2008*

        • Two fans joined the Fans List!
        • More details about the noh play and the upcoming musical: News and Theatre pages updated.

        *April 22nd 2008*

        • A little update to the News page. Unfortunately not the news we long for...

        *October 11th 2007*

        • A little big update to the Fan Art section! Thank you Cris!

        *September 24th 2007*

        • New layout! I hope you will like it. Feedback needed and appreciated! Please let me know if the web pages are correctly displayed in your browsers!
        • Many new works in the Fan Art page!
        • Welcome to the new fan who joined the Fans List!

        *August 16th 2007*

        • Fan Art page updated! Many new works!
        • New fans joined the Fans List! Welcome!
        • Fans' Photos section updated!
        • A new entry in the Illustrations page: an autographed file with a beautiful image of Masumi Hayami!

        *June 23rd 2007*

        • Welcome to the new fans who joined the Fans List!
        • 2 new faces in the Fans' Photos section!
        • Many new wonderful works in the Fan Art page!
        • Added some images (Manga Gallery) and information (The Masterpiece) about "Garasu no Kamen - My Best Remixes"

        *April 18th 2007*

        • New works added to the Fan Art page!
        • Many, many fans joined the Fans List. Welcome!
        • Trivia page updated, with a new song lyric in the Garaoke section.

        *March 10th 2007*

        • Thanks for the 100000 hits!
        • WOW! An important update to the Lyrics page!
        • Many fans joined the Fans List. Welcome!
        • Fan Art page updated!

        *February 20th 2007*

        • Happy birthday Suzue Miuchi and Maya Kitajima!
        • 4 fans joined the Fans List!
        • Lots of almost invisible little adjustments and maintenance work.
        • The most useless page ever added to the Trivia section :)

        *January 24th 2007*

        • Fan Art page updated!
        • New fans joined the Fans List!
        • Thanks for the 75000 hits (January 16th)!!!
        • The website's colours changed again. Maybe pink will be the definitive colour. Maybe not :)

        *January 9th 2007*

        • Happy new year!
        • New drawings in the Fan Art section!
        • Fans List updated!!
        • Other Works section updated!

        *December 10th 2006*

        • Fan Art section updated!
        • Welcome to the new fan who joined the Fans List!
        • Happy holidays to all the visitors!

        *November 17th 2006*

        • New fans joined the Fans List!
        • Fan Art section updated!
        • Check the News and read about a recent interview to Suzue Miuchi sensei!

        *October 27th 2006*

        • Fan Art page updated!
        • Fan Photos section updated!

        *October 13th 2006*

        • Happy Birthday to the webmistress :)
        • A little update to the News section.
        • Many fans joined the Fans List!
        • Fan Art page updated!
        • About Me section updated!

        *August 8th 2006*

        • Fan Art page updated!
        • 2 fans joined the Fans List!
        • A little update to the News section.
        • Other Works page updated!

        *July 23rd 2006*

        • Welcome to the 2 fans who joined the Fans List!
        • New works in the Fan Art page!
        • News section updated.
        • Other Works page updated.
        • Some texts have been corrected, thanks to my supervisors Bea and Angela! Comments, corrections and suggestions are always more than welcome!

        *July 4th 2006*

        • 4 fans joined the Fans List!
        • New works in the Fan Art page!
        • Manga Gallery updated: check the beautiful covers of the newest Thai editon! (thanks to Holy Holy! ♥)
        • A brand new official Forum, thanks to my affiliate "Murasaki no Bara no Yume"!

        *June 10th 2006*

        • Some new works added to the Fan Art page!
        • A new fan joined the Fans List!
        • Little updates to the News section!

        *May 14th 2006*

        • Synopses page updated: added a quick reference table and a summary of Hana to Yume after-41 story! Comments and corrections are always welcome :)
        • Fans List page updated: welcome to the new fans!
        • Theatre page updated with many info about "Kurenai Tennyo" the Noh play! (Thank you Enju!)
        • Little updates to the News and FAQs.
        • Site reorganized: many little adjustments have been made to all the pages, this Updates page has been restyled, the forum has been deleted, the Manga gallery has been divided into 2 (Japanese and non-Japanese), and a new section (Trivia) has been created: it includes some already existing useless pages and a new silly one :)

        *April 21st 2006*

        • Finally all the Synopses up to volume 42 are online! Comments and corrections are welcome :)
        • New! You can send me messages from the Contact Me page!

        *April 17th 2006*

        • Synopses: up to volume 38!
        • Other Works page updated!

        *April 12th 2006*

        • Synopses: up to volume 33!
        • Fans List updated: 2 fans joined us!
        • Trivia info: check About me the page :p
        • Theatre page updated.

        *April 2nd 2006*

        • Anime Shots 2 updated: images from the last episode and from the ED!
        • Synopses: up to volume 19!
        • Fans List: welcome to the new fans!
        • Fan Art page updated!
        • Attention! Italian fans: Sign for the 2005 Anime petition! Click on the banner in the Intro page!

        *March 25th 2006*

        • Anime Shots 2 updated with screen caps from episode 50!
        • Synopses page updated! Now you can read synopses up to volume 11!
        • Attention! A little correction in the News and Anime&OVA pages: The new anime episodes seem to be 51, not 52!
        • A new fan joined the Fans List! Welcome!

        *March 17th 2006*

        • Fan Art page updated!
        • Many new images from episode 49: check Anime Shots 2!
        • The summary of the first volume has been added to the Synopses page.

        *March 10th 2006*

        • 3 YEARS MY SITE HAS BEEN ONLINE! Thanks to all the people who supported me:)
        • Anime Shots 2 page updated: many scenes from episode 48 and one more photomontage by Rosichan!
        • One new work in the Fan Art page!
        • Fans List: welcome to the new members!
        • A little update to the News!
        • Some little adjustments to the website. Some corrections to the Synopsis of vol.42 (thanks to Toni!)

        *March 4th 2006*

        • Anime Shots 2 page updated: added some scenes from episode 47 and some photomontages by Rosichan!
        • Fan Art page updated.
        • Manga Scans: look at the monthly Korean edition!
        • ...I am still looking for help to find the missing non-Japanese covers! Please contact me!

        *February 25th 2006*

        • New images from episode 46 in the Anime Shots 2 page!
        • News page updated!
        • Anime&OVA page updated with the titles of the new anime episodes 50 and 51!
        • New works in the Fan Art page!
        • Manga Scans updates: Taiwanese covers 1-41 added.
        • Fans from all over the world: I need your help to complete this page with the covers of non-Japanese versions!

        *February 18th 2006*

        • Anime Shots 2 page updated: New images from episode 45!
        • A new work in the Fan Art page!
        • Check the new Other Works summaries!

        *February 11th 2006*

        • 2 new fans joined the Fans List!
        • News page updated! New images from episode 44: Check the Anime Shots 2 page!
        • Thanks for the 50000 hits!!!

        *February 3rd 2006*

        • Check the Fan Photos page :)
        • Lyrics: online the translation for Hello Hello ~ Another Star!
        • 1 new work in the Fan Art page!
        • 2 new fans joined the Fans List!
        • News page updated!
        • New images from episode 43: Check the Anime Shots 2 page!

        *January 28th 2006*

        • A little update:
        • Added the new Lyrics of Hello Hello ~ Another Star the last anime ending theme!
        • Info corrected and updated in the Anime & OVA section.
        • More updates coming soon!

        *January 21st 2006*

        • New works in the Fan Art page!
        • Wow!!! Check the News page! Read Miuchi sensei's message! (Thank you Enju!!!)
        • 1 fan joined the Fans' List! Welcome!
        • Anime Shots 2 page updated: BE CAREFUL! Shiori appears in many scenes!! (gomen nasai... I hate her too!)
        • I corrected and adjusted some info in the Anime&OVA section. (Thank you Bea!)

        *January 14th 2006*

        • Several works added to the Fan Art page!
        • A little update to the News page.
        • 3 fans joined the Fans' List! Welcome!
        • Anime Shots 2 page updated with some shots from the new ending theme!
        • Info about the new anime constantly updated.

        *January 4th 2006*

        • The first little update of this year :)
        • New works added to the Fan Art page!
        • News page updated! But... Sigh! It's NOT the big news we expected :(
        • Welcome to the fan who joined the Fans' List!

        *December 30th 2005*

        • HAPPY NEW YEAR!
        • Anime Shots 2 updated: Screen shots from COOL episode 39 and more cool images in Rosichan's Photomontage Gallery!
        • New works in the Fan Art page!
        • Lyrics: online the translation for Purple Light!

        *December 25th 2005*

        • Anime Shots 2 updated: screen shots from episode 38!
        • 3 New works in the Fan Art page!
        • 1 new fan joined the Fans List!
        • 2 short stories added to Other Works!
        • New section in the Manga Gallery! I am collecting scans of non-Japanese manga covers! Take a look and... Any help is welcome! :)

        *December 18th 2005*

        • Anime Shots 2 updated: screen shots from episode 37 and some big images edited by Rosichan!
        • Check also the Fan Art page!
        • 1 new fan joined the Fans List!
        • Finally online the Lyrics of Zero!

        *December 13th 2005*

        • Anime Shots 2 updated!
        • New drawings in the Fan Art page!
        • 1 new fan joined the Fans List!

        *December 6th 2005*

        • Anime Shots 2 updated!
        • New drawings in the Fan Art page!
        • A new fan joined the Fan Photos project!
        • 4 new fans joined the Fans List!
        • A little update to the News.
        • Thanks to Beatrice for correcting some English mistakes of mine :)

        *November 20th 2005*

        • Anime Shots 2 updated! I also re-uploaded some distorted images. Thanks to those who told me about them! Please let me know if you ever find more!
        • Oh, and thanks for 45000 visits! Hope 50000 hits will be reached soon :)

        *November 16th 2005*

        • 1 new Fan Art!
        • News section updated!

        *November 6th 2005*

        • WOW! Thousands of new images in Anime Shots 2! Please look at them! What a HARD work *_*
        • 1 fan joined the Fans List!
        • 2 Lyrics added: 'Step One' and 'Sunao Ni Narenakute'!

        *November 3rd 2005*

        • Happy birthday Masumi Hayami :)
        • New drawings in the Fan Art page!
        • About Me page added.
        • 1 fan joined the Fans List!
        • A new face in the Fan Photos page!
        • Links page updated!
        • News page updated!
        • Many New Anime Shots are on the way... Please be patient and wait for the next update!!!

        *October 21st 2005*

        • A new Anime Gallery is online! For the moment, it contains only images from the EDs and OPs of the new anime.
        • More info added to the Anime & OVA page.
        • 2 fans joined the Fans List!
        • Other Works page updated!

        *October 7th 2005*

        • Very interesting News! (no, it's not the date of publication of volume n.43, but...)
        • I'm updating the Anime & OVA page with info about the new OP and ED themes.

        *September 25th 2005*

        • WOW! More updates to the Lyrics page: Finally I had the two songs by B'z translated!!! (check the Garasu no Kamen Drama themes)

        *September 24th 2005*

        • Check the Lyrics page: The complete translation for Yasashii Sayonara is finally online!
        • A little update to the News page!

        *September 20th 2005*

        • Links page updated!
        • 1 new fan joined the Fans List!

        *September 17th 2005*

        • Other Works page updated!
        • Some new banners to link me!

        *September 4th 2005*

        • Fan Art page updated!
        • 1 new fan joined the Fans List!

        *August 27th 2005*

        • Wow! A new page with lots of images: Please check the OVA shots!
        • Added the translations of the OVA Lyrics!

        *August 26th 2005*

        • Other Works page updated!
        • Added the OVA lyrics to the Lyrics page!
        • 1 new member joined the Fans List!
        • 1 new Fan Art!
        • News page updated!

        *August 20th 2005*

        • 5 new members joined the Fans List!
        • News page updated!
        • More updates coming a.s.a.p.!

        *August 7th 2005*

        • 1 new Fan Art by me!
        • 3 new members joined the Fans List!
        • News page updated!

        *July 25th 2005*

        • 3 new members joined the Fans List!
        • Other Works page updated!
        • New drawings in the Fan Art page!

        *July 3rd 2005*

        • 1 new member in the Fans List!
        • News page updated!

        *June 27th 2005*

        • 1 new member in the Fans List!
        • Other Works page updated!

        *June 24th 2005*

        • 1 new drawing in the Fan Art page!
        • 3 new members in the Fans List!
        • Contest: the 50000th visitor will suggest me a subject for a new fanart and it will be dedicated to him/her! (I need an image of the screenshot showing my home page with the counter)

        *June 13th 2005*

        • 3 new drawings in the Fan Art page!
        • Lyrics page updated (the extended lyrics of Yasahsii Sayounara!)

        *June 10th 2005*

        • 3 new drawings in the Fan Art page!
        • 1 new fan joined the Fans' List!

        *June 5th 2005*

        • 2 new drawings of mine in the Fan Art page!
        • Lyrics page updated!.
        • 1 new fan joined the Fans' List!

        *June 4th 2005*

        • New! Check the FAQs page!
        • Some images added to the Anime&OVA and Drama pages.
        • 4 Fans joined the Fans' List!

        *May 31st 2005*

        • Some little changes to the layout :)
        • Some little improvements to the new pages.
        • New! You can join the mailing list to know when this site is updated! Check the Contact me page!

        *May 29th 2005*

        • A new fan joined the Fans' List!
        • I started working at 3 new pages:
        • Lyrics,
        • Anime and OVA,
        • Drama
        • containing general info. They are all under construction. I need help especially from people who can read Japanese! Please if you can correct something or give me more info contact me!
        • A little addition to the YKYRTMGNKW list :)

        *May 21st 2005*

        • A new Fan Art!
        • Other Works and News updated!

        *May 16th 2005*

        • A new Fan Art!
        • 4 new fans joined the Fans List!
        • Some new miscellanea images in Illustrations Gallery!

        *May 5th 2005*

        • Check for the great new link in the Links page.
        • 3 new fans joined the Fans List!

        *April 24th 2005*

        • Fan Art page updated :)
        • A new fan in the Fans List!

        *April 23rd 2005*

        • Two new sections added:
        • Theatre and Other Works.
        • Fan Art page updated :)
        • News page updated.

        *April 17th 2005*

        • Fan Art page updated again :)
        • Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

        *April 16th 2005*

        • Fan Art page updated again :)

        *April 13th 2005*

        • Fan Art page updated.

        *April 7th 2005*

        • Synopses page added (still under construction).
        • News page updated.

        *April 5th 2005*

        • Fans List, News, Fan Art updated again!

        *April 3rd 2005*

        • A new fan joined the Fans List!
        • News section updated!
        • New Fan Art!

        *March 29th 2005*

        • A new fan joined the Fans List!
        • Many new Anime Shots!

        *March 27th 2005*

        • Fan Art page updated!

        *March 20th 2005*

        • Manga Scans from volume 42!!!!

        *March 18th 2005*

        • Fan Art and Fans List updated again :)
        • Manga scans from volume 42 coming soon!

        *March 15th 2005*

        • Fan Art and Fans List updated again :)

        *March 12th 2005*

        • Fan Art and Fans List pages updated!

        *March 5th 2005*

        • Fan Art page updated!

        *February 27th 2005*

        • New drawings by me and by a new artist in the Fan Art page!
        • News section updated!

        *February 25th 2005*

        • Many new drawings in the Fan Art page!
        • Wonderful new Illustrations!
        • Check the great News!
        • A new fan joined the Fans List!!

        *February 20th 2005*

        • A new experiment of mine in the Fan Art page!
        • Links pages updated!

        *February 17th 2005*

        • Wonderful updates!
        • 41 great Manga Scans from the wonderful 41th volume!
        • New Fan Art from 4 new artists!
        • Marvellous new images in the Illustrations Gallery!
        • The Artist and News pages updated!

        *February 9th 2005*

        • Check the Illustrations Gallery: cute scans of the Postcards Book!
        • A new Japanese site in the Links page!

        *February 3rd 2005*

        • A new Italian site in the Links page.

        *January 29th 2005*

        • A new French site in the Links page.
        • Welcome to the 2 fans who joined the Fans' List!
        • Illustrations page updated.
        • A very intersting interview to Suzue Miuchi in the News section! (Many thanks to Giko for her translation!!!)

        *January 23rd 2005*

        • A little but important update: Suzue Miuchi's official site is online! Check the Links and News pages!

        *January 21st 2005*

        • Manga Scans and The Masterpiece pages updated!

        *January 17th 2005*

        • Fan Phots pages updated!
        • Manga scans from volume 40 added to the Manga Gallery page. It was very hard to select the scenes to scan!!!

        *January 15th 2005*

        • Fan Art, Fans' List pages updated.
        • In the Manga Gallery page you can see the cover of volume n.40.
        • No more manga scans for the moment, sorry.

        *January 13th 2005*

        • Leïla's cute drawings added to the Fan Art page!!!
        • News page updated (thanks Masasumi!).

        *January 9th 2005*

        • Fans' List and Links pages updated.
        • News page added.

        *January 2nd 2005*

        • Fans' List page updated.

        *December 29th 2004*

        • Fans' List page updated.
        • Little changes to the layout.

        *December 21st 2004*

        • Fan fiction page updated: The 1st fanfiction in my site! Thanks Shion for your present!

        *December 19th 2004*

        • Fan Art page updated (some new drawings of mine).

        *December 16th 2004*

        • Manga Gallery and Links pages updated.

        *December 6th 2004*

        • 1 new fan joined the Fans List!
        • Fan Art, Links and Illustrations pages updated.

        *December 3rd 2004*

        • 2 new fans joined the Fans List!

        *November 21st 2004*

        • Fan Art page updated.